17 research outputs found

    4CaaSt: Comprehensive management of Cloud services through a PaaS

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    The 4CaaSt project aims at developing a PaaS framework that enables flexible definition, marketing, deployment and management of Cloud-based services and applications. The major innovations proposed by 4CaaSt are the blueprint and its management and lifecycle, a one stop shop for Cloud services and the management of resources in the PaaS level (including elasticity). 4CaaSt also provides a portfolio of ready to use Cloud native services and Cloud- aware immigrant technologies

    Quality Attributes in Mobile Web Application Development

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    This paper deals with a quality model for mobile web applications. The paper describes typical challenges in the development of mobile web application and decomposes the challenges into the quality of the ISO 9126 quality standard. This leads to an adjusted ISO model that focuses on those quality features that are important in order to assure the quality of mobile web applications. The proposed model may be used for analyzing the quality factors of mobile web applications, expert evaluation checklists and may be used for quality based content adaptation. Finally, the paper shows that challenges in mobile web application development may be solved by applying quality insurance methods to the development of those applications

    Intelligente Agenten für virtuelle Umgebungen

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    The univeral advancement of graphics technology, new business models, and the continuing upgrade of global infrastructure are transforming the solitary, platform-centric 3D computing model. With the availability of global information highways intercontinental collaboration using 3D graphics will become part of our daily work routine. The research efforts have been concentrated on determining how the distributed workplace can be transformed into a shared virtual environment. Interaction among people and processes in this virtual world has to be provided and improved. To enhance the usability of our virtual collaborative environment we integrated software agents into it. These agents support the user and his interaction with objects in the virtual world. The main goal includes the implementation of helpers, personal assistants, and tour guides. In this paper, we describe the basic needs for integrating agents into virtual worlds as well as techniques to map live video streams and applications into our VR environment. As a proof of concept, agents controlling the access to virtual rooms have been developed and integrated in a video-textured environment

    Improving the Usability of Mobile Enterprise Applications by Applying Location and Situation Information

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    As of today, only simple office applications such as calendar and email applications are widely used on mobile devices - more complex applications still lack acceptance. The limited user interface features and the more difficult data input on mobile devices demand a redesign of complex applications to meet the needs of employees on the road

    An Integrated Platform for Mobile, Context- Aware, and Adaptive Enterprise Applications

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    Abstract: In this paper we present an approach for the device-independent authoring of mobile, context-aware and adaptive web applications. We present concepts for the semantic and syntactic adaptation of web dialogs to heterogeneous devices based on the Dialog Description Language. We describe advanced concepts for the integration of dynamic content and user interaction handling in deviceindependent application engineering. Furthermore, the software architecture of the Adaptation Framework, a runtime environment for dialog adaptation, is introduced. Finally, we present an adaptive sample application and give an outlook to future research topics

    Protecting Competitive Negotiation of Mobile Agents

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    The paradigm of mobile agents reached its popularity and attraction from typical application scenarios, which are located in the area of electronic commerce. In these common application scenarios, mobile agents get a task from its owner to buy certain goods. To fulfill this task, the agent wanders to various merchants and collects information about the different offers